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Metabolic Reset Specialist Near Me in Newton, MA

Metabolic Reset Specialist Near Me in Newton, MA

Push reset on your body’s metabolism today! The healthcare professionals at Transform Alliance for Health are here in Newton, MA to answer all of your questions related to weight loss and metabolic resets. Give us a call or book an appointment online to visit our clinic located on the second floor of 150 California St, Newton, MA 02458.

Metabolic Reset Specialist Near Me in Newton, MA
Metabolic Reset Specialist Near Me in Newton, MA

Table of Contents:

What is a metabolic reset?
How can I restore my metabolic function?
How long does it take to reset metabolism?
What are the symptoms of a fast and slow metabolism?

What is a metabolic reset?

A metabolic reset is a plan that has been designed to push reset on the body’s metabolism. The goal of a metabolic reset is to speed up your metabolism, which will help you burn more calories and lose weight as a result. Our metabolism naturally slows down as we age, but our metabolism’s speed is based on our genetics and our overall level of physical activity more than anything. A metabolic reset works by altering your metabolism by following a strict diet plan that puts a restriction on the number of calories you consume in a day and provides guidelines for what the composition of those calories should be. There are several different plans in existence and the team at Transform Alliance for Health will set you up with the most appropriate plan for you based on the weight you want to lose, your current activity level, your adherence to a diet plan, and any other factor that will impact your ability to lose weight.

How can I restore my metabolic function?

Restoring your body’s metabolic function can be done by making small changes over time. Like any changes made to your routine, it can be hard to adjust, but with diligence and work, small changes over time can have a large impact. You can restore your body’s metabolic function with these simple changes:

– Eat a protein source at every meal. Protein uses up more calories in digestion than the other macronutrients, keeps you feeling satisfied, and helps to build lean muscle.

– Drink plenty of water. This will keep your body hydrated and has also been shown to increase your metabolic rate, as well as your energy level. Having a water bottle with you at all times makes it easier to drink more water.

– Get a solid night’s sleep. The recommended amount of sleep for an adult is seven to eight hours a night. Less than that can disrupt the body’s metabolism.

– Choose high-intensity How you work out can affect your body’s metabolism, high-intensity workouts provide the same benefits, or greater benefits, than a lower intensity workout.

– Eat enough food. A common misconception with weight loss is to drastically restrict your calorie intake. This can actually have a negative effect if you reduce your calories by too much, as you will lose muscle mass and actually reduce your metabolic rate.

How long does it take to reset metabolism?

Everyone is going to be different, and therefore their metabolic reset will take a different amount of time for each person. The metabolic reset diet should only be followed for a month or two in order to give the metabolism the restart that it needs. After that, you will need to follow a plan to keep your metabolism at a higher rate. This includes eating protein at every meal, drinking water, getting enough sleep, and exercising. A metabolic reset does not create permanent results, however, following the steps to increase your metabolism will create results that last longer. Any type of weight loss should be done under the supervision of a medical professional, particularly in patients who are obese. At Transform Alliance for Health, we specialize in helping our patients to lose weight in a healthy, sustainable way for long-lasting results.

What are the symptoms of a fast and slow metabolism?

Everyone has a different speed of metabolism, or the speed at which their body processes food into energy. Our metabolism is controlled by our thyroid, disorders affecting the thyroid can cause a fast or slow metabolism. A fast metabolism is caused by an overactive thyroid, a condition known as hyperthyroidism, and slow metabolism is caused by an underactive thyroid, known as hypothyroidism. Our diet choices and exercise or activity level also greatly influence our metabolism. Having a sedentary job, such as a desk job, can result in a lower metabolism, whereas having an active job that requires being on your feet can result in a higher metabolism. Symptoms of a fast metabolism include weight loss, irritability, nervousness, fatigue, increased energy, difficulty sleeping, and increased sweating. A slow metabolism can present itself through weight gain, fatigue, feeling cold in warm environments, dry, itchy skin, and new or worsening constipation. Our doctors at Transform Alliance for Health can determine if your slow or fast metabolism is the result of a thyroid issue, or simply due to your lifestyle.

If you have more questions about our services, call us and talk to or professionals. We serve patients from Newton MA, Watertown MA, Waltham MA, Needham MA, Belmont MA and Brookline, MA.